Winter Jam SuperFan Contest 2025

Step 1:

Pulse 101.7 has your chance to bring a party of four to the front row, head backstage, and meet your favorite artists! One lucky winner will receive:

  • Admission into pre-show Q&A including two artists
  • Front Row Seats
  • Winter Jam pass lanyard, and t-shirt
  • Meet & Greet Photo with WJ25 Artists

Enter the SuperFan Contest by completing the following: 

Step 1: Leave us a voice message letting us know why you love listening to Pulse! 
“I love listening to Pulse because…”
“Pulse 101.7 makes a difference in my life through…”
“I’m grateful for Pulse 101.7 because…”

Step 2: Complete the form below. 

*Note: The first 20 entries will automatically also receive a free pair of general admission tickets to Winter Jam! 

Contest Rules

Step 1:

Step 2:

Winter Jam '25 SuperFan Contest